A flavour of Cockermouth past
We hope this collection of articles helps paint a picture of parts of Cockermouth’s history.
War Time Reminiscences: Elsie Hayton
The Workhouse: Heritage Group
Ups and Downs of a Fratching Town: Frank Carruthers (‘Whiteoak’)
Story of the Cumbrian Mummy: Gloria Edwards
Cockermouth Bank for Savings: Jack Storey
Brigham's Cuckoo Arch & Strange Tales: Heritage Group

May: Changes to Main Street
August: The Hiring Fairs
January: WWII wristwatch belonging to a Cockermouth man
February: WWII Poem Tribute and Local Experiences
March: Sad story of a Workhouse boy
April: Farming memories from WWII era
May: Extreme Weather
June: Georgian Life Extracts
September: The Slave Trade in Cumberland
October: Cockermouth Tweed Mill Burglary
December: Cariboo Goldfields Button
January: The Chicken Family of Cockermouth
February: Market Place
March: History of Dovenby Hall
April: The Globe Hotel
May: Wordsworth Celebrations of 1950 and 1970
June: Hat Manufacture, and Town Hall
July: Norman McMaster and WWII
August: St Helen’s School
September: The Harrison Family of Dunthwaite House, Setmurthy
October: Old and Strange Remedies for Assorted Ailments
November: Florence Williams and her Civilian Military Medal
February: The Towers Family
April: The Wordsworth Family and their Household Accounts
May: The American Cockermouth
June: Victoria’s Golden Jubilee 1887
July: What Did the Victorians do for Cockermouth?
August: Life in the Cockermouth Industrial School
September: Cockermouth Mechanics’ Institute and Band
October: The Shooting of Police Supt. Johnstone
November: Miller’s
December: Joseph Adair’s Diary
February: The Early Fire Service in Cockermouth
March: George Chatt – Editor of the West Cumberland Times, and Poet
April: World War II
May: Physicians William Woodville and John Walker
June: Fairfield Schools
August: The Fair Field
September: Horse-Racing
November: Extreme Weather Again
December: The Cumbrian Mummy and a Cockermouth Woman
January: The Rudd Family of Cockermouth
February: The Brownie Movement
April: Dialects
May: All Saints Church
June: World War II and a German POW’s Story
August: Exhibition on World War I
September: Cockermouth Castle Auxiliary Hospital World War I
December: Christmas at the Front World War I
January: Turner the Artist and Cockermouth Connections
March: Moota After World War II
April: Development of Kirkgate Centre as an Arts and Heritage Centre
May: Schooldays Revisited
August: Cemetery Chapels and Headstones
September: Little Mill, Cockermouth Clogmakers, and Other Queries
December: Christmases Past