Talented young artists from Cockermouth School are showing their work in a special new exhibition, free to the public, to be held at the town’s Kirkgate Centre.
The exhibition, ‘Step Aside Words!’ is open between 10am and 3pm every day from Saturday 28 May to Tuesday 31 May. Refreshments are available.
Nicola McMullen, Head of Art at Cockermouth School, said the students’ work has been inspired by the power of art to express what sometimes cannot be put into words: ‘The last few years have given us all a unique experience that is sometimes difficult to put into words, so we’re saying “step aside words and let the art tell our stories”.’
The exhibition is a collection of work from students who are still studying or recently completed their education at the school. Every piece is unique with an underlying common focus on how the students each experience life, be it with family, in nature, physical or metaphysical.
‘Each realisation is the result of a personal journey but one that we hope resonates with the viewer,’ said Ms McMullen.
Technically and stylistically the show presents a diverse range of art demonstrating a multitude of disciplines and media. The work seeks to celebrate the many methods of making art.
‘We are very proud of our students’ ability to take risks, to explore and experiment in the truest sense and to be autonomous in telling their stories using their own unique approach,’ added Ms McMullen.
Emma Heys, General Manager at Kirkgate Arts and Heritage, said: ‘We’re very pleased that the Kirkgate is hosting this wonderful exhibition of our local young artists’ work. It gives the general public in town a great opportunity to connect with the creativity, imagination and skill of our young people and how they see and experience what can often be a challenging world for them, especially during the Covid years.
‘Art is for everyone and is an important part of making sense of life. We hope to see plenty of people coming through our doors to support these talented young people and perhaps to be inspired by them to make art too.’