Crafts@Kirkgate: Colour and Collage with Celia Burbush
13th September 2025 10:00am
Kirkgate Centre
Collage is a wonderful approach, explored by many artists, but most iconically by Kurt Schwitters, the grandfather of modern art, who lived in Cumbria for the last years of his life, having fled his home country of Germany.
Collage involves the combining of found images or scraps of materials to construct new images, which can have an aesthetic charge or political message or both. Artists often turn to collage when they are experiencing a block, as the juxtaposing of contrasting images creates new and unexpected meanings.
We’re going to theme our session around colour, the portal into emotion and expression. We’re going to use it to create our own palettes based on our memories of favourite decades and fashions. Come and have a go! No experience, please bring £3 to cover the cost of materials on the day.
We’ll be working with found texts and images, as well as coloured papers and paint. The workshop is from 10am until 3.30pm, a light lunch is included (you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer).