Covid 19
We are looking for personal accounts and memories relating to local people’s experiences of the Coronavirus pandemic. This will be an important record in years to come – please get in touch.
Cockermouth Grammar School
New acquisitions include photographic albums detailing school life at the former Cockermouth Grammar School from 1940 including theatrical productions, class photos, sports teams, school outings. We hope to be able to put these on display at future exhibitions. Please get in touch if you have anything to share.
Cockermouth Cemetery
We have an ongoing project to record all the memorial inscriptions in Cockermouth Cemetery, which will provide a useful tool for family historians in particular. The older half of the cemetery has been completed by a team of volunteers – many thanks to them for their resilience in braving all weathers. This project has taken much longer than originally envisaged, but we are confident that it will prove to be a very useful resource. Work continues with recording the headstones in the other half of the Cemetery, and volunteers are always needed. Current listings can be found in Resources.

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